Monday, July 7, 2008

Okay, I've realized that my blog is not going to be as exciting as all of your blogs...but I decided I needed to give you all a taste of summer home life that I know you are all missing. I know you are all wishing you were home to hang out in the backyard so I thought I would bring the backyard to you. I'll try to explain what some of these pictures are. At the top we cut out a border along the back fence this year. It's a work in progress...but it's coming along. We planted a few flowers, some garden stuff. I like the change and it makes it a whole lot easier to mow. Just a pic to let you know how my flowers are doing. Ila is anxious to come and help me water. I just need to find her watering can! Check out dads mower, we go him the bag attachment this year. Wow, that makes it so nice. Even I can do it. Not that he lets me to much, I think he enjoys mowing the lawn now. Dads garden is doing pretty good. Nice tomato plants, huh? And look at my sunflowers. I planted some seeds over by the pool but they didn't come up. However there were some volunteers from last year, this time I have 8 growing. I love it! And theres a picture of our new patio cover. That was a big project but we are very happy with it. I think it looks great! So, that's kind of what we have been up to. I hope you enjoy having a slice of summer from us. We miss you all and wish you were all here splashing and having a great time. Life is good to us and we are so blessed! We love you all!


Anonymous said...

WOW, all the hard work looks awesome! Good job, even though we lost some grass for the soccer field, just kidding.

Cat Zimmer said...

Everything looks so great. And those tomatoes! Holy cow! I am excited to come home and help you in the yard. Do you think Joe would let me mow? :)